Cube Escape: Paradox

by cabinet.of.stories


A few years ago fanartist Lau Kwong Shing made a 16-pages comic version of Roots, Holland based game campany - Rusty Lake were amazed by its quality and this piece eventually lead to the Paradox Comic book, which is now available worldwide!
The idea for a comic version of Paradox came to mind when Rusty Lake started making the game-movie crossover. Lau really liked the idea and made us even more excited with his first sketches. Now, six months later the Rusty Lake comic - a beautifully illustrated comic version of Paradox (almost 100 pages), printed with the highest quality possible by zbfghk - is available on our store. Please support this unique collaboration!

We accept Credit Card / Paypal / Cash / Payme


 A beautifully illustrated comic version of Paradox (almost 100 pages)
• Handcrafted in Hong Kong, printed with the highest quality possible by zbfghk

在荷蘭首都阿姆斯特丹,有兩位創作人 Robin 和 Maarten,因為很喜歡 David Lynch 的電視劇《Twin Peaks》(港譯:迷離劫),構想了一個超現實的離奇世界 Rusty Lake,以名為「Cube Escape」的密室逃脫類型遊戲系列為媒介,讓遊戲玩家好像追電視劇一樣,從第一個遊戲開始,慢慢步入 Rusty Lake 的世界⋯⋯

其中一位來自香港的玩家,非常欣賞遊戲中細節和故事,喜歡到為這遊戲系列繪畫了一些 fans art。創辦人看過後非常喜愛,並因此和這香港玩家合作,推出啟發自其開發的密室逃脫遊戲Cube Escape: Paradox的同名漫畫作品《Cube Escape: Paradox》。這位玩家就是香港漫畫家柳廣成。




除了動畫,同時亦創作漫畫如《Cube Escape: Paradox》、《Unknown Brothers》等。常以鉛筆創作,藉其筆觸強調氛圍;探索以漫畫作為表達媒介時的可能性,並嘗試解構重組「漫畫」。

參展經驗:實現漫畫(2016)、安古蘭國際漫畫節(2017)、較.量——香港漫畫力量(2017)、逐格逐格(2018)、Cube Escape: Paradox Exhibition(2019)、香港動漫海濱樂園(2019)

*如想以現金付款,可於check out時,填完shipping payment後,於付款方式揀選【親身到中環店付款或 Payme】


到實體店自提 Self pick-up at our store

Cabinet of Stories
1/F, 15 Staunton Street, Central, Hong Kong

Opening hours: 
Tue - Fri: 3pm - 7pm / Weekends: 2pm - 6pm
Visit by appointment.

順豐到付 SF Express (Paid by the recipient upon arrival) 


建議選擇送到辦公室 / 順豐自提點 / 順豐智能櫃 
Recommended: Deliver to office / Self pick-up at SF stores or SF lockers

送貨上門須另加 $20
For home delivery, an additional fee of $20 is required

Self pick up

到實體店自提 Self pick-up at Cabinet

Cabinet of Stories
1/F, 15 Staunton Street, Central, Hong Kong
Tel: 26622282

Opening hrs:
Mon - Thu | 12:00 - 18:00
Fri - Sun | 13:00 - 20:00 (Walk-in)
*Inbox us on instagram if you want to visit on Mon-Thu !*


順豐到付 SF Express (Paid by the recipient upon arrival) 

送到辦公室 / 順豐自提點 / 順豐智能櫃 
Deliver to office / self pick-up at SF stores or SF lockers

送貨上門須另加 $30
For home delivery, an additional fee of $20 is required

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