#繪本推介 - 本地插畫師三火首本繪本《愛是?》
獨立出版|初版限量 50本
「愛是?What is LOVE?」這個問題,我們給出了無限個答案,始終不得其解,卻繼續為它著迷。
本地插畫及動畫師三火出版首本繪本《愛是?》,描繪一隻小黑貓尋找愛的旅程。路上的風光向小黑貓展示愛的不同可能 —— 愛是需要被保護的,也是可以保護你的;愛是能打開一切的,也是無法被打開的;愛是會被蛀空的,也是可以填補的⋯⋯
孵化「成熟」的愛,也許要花上比生命還要長的時間,而在有限的生命裡,我們還在學習著這個無限的課題⋯⋯ 跟隨小黑貓的腳印,沉浸在牠所發現的多種愛中。
We have given numerous answers to this question without any resolution, yet we continue to be fascinated by it.
Local illustrator and animator Threefire has created her first picture book and held her first solo exhibition called “What is Love?” depicting a little black cat’s journey to find love. Along the way, the scenery shows the black cat the different possibilities of love - that it can be something to protect, and also something that can protect you; it can open everything up, and also remain closed off; it can be eaten away, but can be refilled...
“What is Love?” embodies her understanding of love, but it’s not the ultimate truth - rather, it’s the feeling that Therefire has toward love, and a process that we are all still learning.
It may take longer than a lifetime to hatch a “mature” love, and in our limited lives, we are still in the process of learning about this infinite subject… Together, let’s follow in the footsteps of this little black cat and immerse ourselves in the many forms of love it discovers.
(*The initial printing is limited to 50 copies, and sales will cease once they are sold out.)